Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I finally found what I love to do..

When I was growing up in childhood, and early adult years, I always been just a girl that felt that something was missing in my life. I searched deep in my heart to try to figure out what it was, but the crazy thing about it I could never put my finger on it no matter how hard I tried. At times it just had me so confused because the things I thought I loved actually I hated, and now the things I hated I love. I know that is backwards or maybe you never heard it like that before.

Okay, here it goes I sat down at the age of twenty-four I started doing something I loved and that's writing. Writing is now one of my hobbies that I really enjoy doing. It's nothing like picking up a pencil and release whatever is on your mind. Not only I dreamed of writing, but guess what i'm now doing what I thought I hated. Writing could be boring at times, but if your heart is in it can be fun.

I won't let nothing, or anybody stop me from doing something I put my whole heart into doing, I also will walk into my Destiny and continue to fullfill my dreams...

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